Backwards Tabletop is the creator of the Backwards horror series, set in a bizarre, post-apocalyptic America. They have written Backwater (2021), Backroads (2022), Backchannels (2025), and Backwoods (2025).
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Backwoods and Backchannels are our newest survival-horror system-and-setting books, set in post-apocalyptic New England and Florida and featuring contributions from local artists and writers. They join two existing books in the Backwards universe: Backwater (New Orleans) and Backroads (St. Louis). Available for preorder now!
"Backwater has a lot of unique ideas and mechanics. The gamebook is around 200 pages and is stuffed with content. ... I like that they dedicated a chapter to just the bare bone rules, which makes it a great quick reference to jump to if you are having a dispute at the table and you can find it very quickly. ... I really love that this book has a sub chapter on the secrets of Backwater. These include mystical items and story hooks which are both an entertaining read and make great inspiration or planning tools for a game." -TheAbleLexi of The Gaming Table
Wendigo Workshop's review says that the Backwater TTRPG is "quite easy to pick up, and the character creation tutorial is simple to follow, making it easy to make new characters for the first time. [...] Backwater is a very good game, and a nice addition to fans of the horror genre."
Some comments from our customers:
Asa Donald (he/him) & Alex Johnson (he/him) are the creators, developers, and primary writers for the Backwards series. They became friends years ago through a friend's ttrpg group. They remain friends after moving to different wards in the American Lands. Icons by Collin Wilhelm.